About my school

My school's name is Bradford Heights. It has a red roof and we have a garden in the back. We have two swing sets and the small one has a fire truck where we can play on. The big swing seet has bars that we can swing on.

I am in forth grade and I still don't know who is my teacher in forth grade. First grade teacher used to teach 4th grade so she was strict but my classmates thought that she was not strict.

I had Ms. Kleaver in third grade. She is fun and I did home schooling so I went to my friend's place to zoom since he was in the same class and we used to play. After school was done, we played on the Ipad most times I also learnt how to sew things and I still don't know how to sow.

In school we also read the book Harry Potter and the Sorceers Ston I have the book at home. We also read wishing tree and Roz the wild Robot we read it in 2nd but we did it in 3gd to so it was fun. So thats what I did in this school.